Parameter Presets provide a mechanism by which the values of a group of parameters can be stored and then later recalled as a one-shot event. They allow the user to recall a small or large number of parameter values near instantaneously with no interruption in audio.
Parameter Presets can be recalled manually by the user or automatically using a variety of different methods. Parameter Presets are created and stored only when offline. They can be recalled when offline or in when online. The parameters which will be stored and recalled as a Parameter Preset are determined by adding them to a Parameter Preset Group. These can include parameters from Audio processing objects, Logic processing objects and device Default Control Panels from any device in Audio Architect.
Creating Parameter Presets
Adding the required parameters to a Parameter Preset Group is the first step in creating Parameter Presets. Parameters can be added as part of a new Parameter Preset Group or can be added to an existing Parameter Preset Group.
To create a Parameter Preset Group:
Start by clicking on the parameter presets button in the offline design ribbon.
By default there is a preset group created but nothing has been added to it. You can rename the group by double clicking on the name and then typing the name you want.
You can always create more than one preset group by clicking the button “New Preset Group”.
The preset groups that is active is selected in the preset group pulldown.
Controls can now be added to the Group by selecting them and dragging them into the preset group.
Controls can be removed from a Parameter Preset Group by selecting them and pressing delete.
To create a Parameter Preset:
Once the preset group has what you want to control in it you can click on the “New Preset” button located in the ribbon.
will add a column for the new preset with the recall values listed next to each parameter.
You can change the name of the preset by double clicking on the default name and typing a new one.
This Parameter Preset now contains the current values of all the parameters in the group.
To create further Parameter Presets:
Click on the add preset button multiple times and change the setting in each or go to the controls and set the setting and then come back and click add preset each time.
Each new Parameter Preset will be added to the list to the right of the previous ones.
Using Parameter Presets
Recalling Parameter Presets
Presets can be recalled in Design Mode or when online. Simply right click on the column and select "Recall"
This provides a simulation where controls will move to reflect the parameter values stored in the Parameter Preset.
When Audio Architect is online to network devices, Parameter Presets are recalled inside the devices themselves and Control Panels in Audio Architect will reflect the recalled parameter values. The "Store" option will not be available when you are online.
Using a Button or Preset Selector on a Custom Control Panel
Parameter Presets can be recalled from a Custom Control Panel from a single button or list box. Expanding the Presets folder in the Design Tree will reveal all the Parameter Preset
Groups and Parameter Presets in the Design.
Dragging the Parameter Preset onto a Custom Control Panel will create a momentary Vector Button with which the Parameter Preset can be recalled.
A Parameter Preset Group can equally be dragged onto an existing Custom Control Panel button. Dragging the Parameter Preset Group onto a Custom Control Panel will create a Preset Selector populated with all the Parameter Presets in the Parameter Preset Group.
When a Preset Selector is created as a new item on a Custom Control Panel it can be populated with Parameter Presets from any Parameter Preset Group. Simply drag the preset group you want from the Venue Tree to your panel. It will ask what type of control and you can select a list box.
Using Control Input Ports
Parameter Presets or Parameter Preset Groups can be assigned to a single or multiple Control Inputs allowing several configurations to be achieved.
Start by going to the soundweb london tab and clickin on the configure control ports button. In the Venu explorer the Parameter Preset Group folder reveals the Parameter Presets within.
To assign a single Parameter Preset to a Control Input Port:
- Drag the required Parameter Preset onto a Control Port input.
- The Control port is updated to reflect the Direct Action assignment. When the Configuration is loaded to the device, the Parameter Preset will be recalled when the Control Input pin is shorted with the Common pin.
To assign all the Parameter Presets inside a Parameter Preset Group:
Drag the Parameter Preset Group folder onto a Control Port input. The mode will default to “Analogue Input” and will assign all the Parameter Presets to a single Control Port for use with the BLU-3 or BLU-6 wall controllers.
Inspecting and Modifying a Parameter Preset
The parameter values of a particular Parameter Preset can be inspected and modified in parameter presets window. Review the values in the vertical column for a preset that needs to be changed.
Changing the values in the columns is all that is required to change a preset.