How do I change Wi-Fi channels on my Ui mixer?
By default the Ui series of mixers are configured to use channel 9. If you are experiencing connection issues, the first thing to try is to change the current Wi-Fi channel to a channel that is less busy. You can determine which channels are the least busy using a Wi-Fi analyzer app found on your smart devices marketplace. In general Soundcraft has found that channels 1 and 11 are usually not very busy and we recommend trying one of these first. You may also try one of the 5Ghz channels found further down the list of available channels.
The steps to change the Wi-Fi channel can be found below.
1. Press the Settings Icon
2. Press the Network tab
3. Press the Config button
4. Login (default username is admin, and default password is also admin) You do not have to change the Administrator Password at this time.
5. Press Hotspot Configuration
6. Scroll down to the Channel section and use the drop down to select the desired channel
7. Press Save/Update
8. Press Cancel/Exit
9. Reboot mixer using power switch