Build Notes
All AMX Varia Touch Panels:
FG#: AMX-UTP0501, AMX-UTP0801, AMX-UTP0811, AMX-UTP1011, AMX-UTP1011N, AMX-UTP1511, AMX-UTP1511N
Device Id | AMX Varia
0x0220 | VARIA-SL50
0x0222 | VARIA-SL80
0x0221 | VARIA-80
0x0223 | VARIA-100, VARIA-100N
0x0224 | VARIA-150, VARIA-150N
Firmware Version: 1.11.42 (
Build Date: May 7th, 2024
Prerequisites: None
Apps Version: 1.6.9 (
Build Date: July 10th, 2024
Prerequisites: It is highly recommended the latest FW release version 1.11.42 is loaded on the panel before updating apps.
!!!App Update Version 1.6.9 breaks ^SHO command to show/hide buttons, do not update to this App version if you are using this command.!!!
********** Special Notes **********
* This package is an app update, not a full firmware build.
* App updates will allow the user to downgrade apps, if desired, by performing a Factory Reset on the panel
* A factory reset will revert apps back to the base versions included in firmware version1.11.42, which is apps version 1.6.7
* It is highly recommended the latest FW release version 1.11.42 is loaded on the panel before updating apps.
Changes in 1.11.42 (apps version 1.6.9)
AMX G5 Control
* Resolved: TTC fonts can show unintended characters or be replaced by a different font
* Resolved: Touch Map of multistate bargraph not working
* Resolved: Button password pop-up not working unless a page flip is specified in the button properties
* Resolved: Improved video streaming performance
* Resolved: Panel locks up on the G5 splash screen when retrieiving project from panel
* New Feature: Added tracking of launched third-party apps from ^APP command
AMX Book
* Resolved: MS Exchange Strict Certificate Validation is non-functional
* Multiple improvements when deploying clanedar settings from Manager software
Web Kiosk
* Improved graphics performance
* Improved handling of VNC server when disbaled
Zoom Rooms Controller
* ZRC app updated
* Resolved: Chrome browser may open randomly if the panel goes offline or when changing persona
* Also incorporates other previous hotfix items, including numerous bug fixes & feature requests
Changes in 1.11.42 (apps version 1.6.7)
AMX G5 Control
* Resolved: RTSP streaming does not work on Varia panels
* Resolved: HTTP stremaing not working
* Resolved: Custom events are not generated for lseep/wake events
* Resolved: Panel will not load if start page contains both a channel code and page flip
* Resolved: Left position & poffset not working on collapsible popup
* Resolved: Cancelling a file transfer can force the panel offline (reboot required)
* Resolved: Listview custom event not sent to controller
* Resolved: A touch will stop audio while it's playing
* Resolved: Missing EOT message on device info messages
AMX Book
* Resolved: App can crash when exiting panel settings
* Resolved: HTML tags being shown in meeting details
* Resolved: Trusted CAs not showing on on list
Web Kiosk
* Resolved: Issues rendering certian web pages
* Improved graphics performance
* Resolved: Device number does not change sometimes when editing it from G5 settings
Zoom Rooms Controller
* ZRC app updated
* Also incorporates other previous hotfix items, including numerous minor bug fixes & feature requests
New Send Commands in This Release
* None
Known Issues/Requests
* Long term 1080p60 H.264 video streaming (72 hours+) may show tearing, pixelation, or choppiness; and require a reboot
* Panel supports a single streaming video window, H.264/265, up to 1080p60. Simul;taneously streaming multiple video windows may cause app to crash if the panel runs out of memory