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Using the Headphone Jack on the Ui Mixer as 2 Additional Aux Outputs


​The Ui mixer's headphone jack(s) can be used for 2 additional AUX outputs.  The Ui12 and Ui16 use both jacks.  Ui24 allows selectable patching.

A special cable must be used in this configuration.
Because you are routing out through a Stereo headphone jack, the signal will be unbalanced with 1 Aux mix on the headphone's Left channel and another Aux mix on the headphone's Right channel.   A ¼" TRS to Dual Mono unbalanced XLR cable needs to be purchased or created.   This will connect the Hot or Pin 2 of the first XLR to the Tip of the ¼" jack and Pin 2 of the 2nd XLR will connect to the Ring on the ¼" jack.  Sleeve, or ground of the ¼" jack will connect to both Pin 1 and Pin 3 on both XLR connectors.  The connection is unbalanced so the length should not exceed 20 feet.

 Capture 1.jpg

Ui12 and Ui 16 will send the extra 2 Aux signals from BOTH headphone jacks.  You can set the headphone jack to be the mixer's extra 2 Auxes in Settings/Settings.  Under Global: Headphones Out, select AUX.
Capture 2 - annotated.jpg
Ui24R will allow patching to either channel of either headphone jack. Under Settings/Patching, select HW OUTS on left and MASTERS on top.

Notice the normal patch with the 2 headphone busses connected to the 2 headphone jacks.

Capture 3 - annotated.jpg

To patch the extra Auxes, select those aux outs to either sets of headphone outputs.  It is best to pick as a pair, selecting 1 connection on each jack would not work with this cabling.
Capture 4 - annotated.jpg
To return to default, click the PATCH 1:1 button at bottom left.

Note: The levels coming from the headphone jack are at a different level then typical line signals because they are intended to drive headphones. Please use caution when turning up the headphone levels to avoid distortion or damage to equipment.






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Last modified at 4/8/2024 2:09 PM by PRO Knowledge Base