NXV-300 (FG2263-01) Build v2.1.28 Release Notes
Build Date: 10/05/2018
Changes in this release
-- Added schedulable weekly maintenance reboot feature. Once the day and
hour are set, the reboot will occur on the 1st minute of the day and hour
that was set. The default schedule is Monday 1:01 a.m. To change the
schedule, telnet to the NXV-300 and at the prompt type;
weekly reset <day> <hour> ;
where <day> is 1-7. 1 is Mon, 2 is Tues, 7 is Sun, etc.
<hour> is 0-23. 0 is Mid, 1 is 1am, 13 is 1pm, etc.
To disable weekly maintenance reboot type; disable reset.
To enable weekly maintenance reboot type; enable reset.
To retrieve the weekly reset information type; get reset.
-- As part of routine security enhancements, further security measures
added to resolve minor vulnerabilities
-- Update VNC JAR with new certificate; will expire 10/8/2021
Known Issues
-- In page tracking mode, when the "Sleep" button (with "0-loop back port")
of the NXV-300 is clicked using the USB mouse, the NXV-300 may switch
between sleep mode and wake mode. This feature also appears to cause other
panels connected to the same master to permanently go to into sleep mode.
-- The master settings are still applied even though the "Cancel" button in
"System Settings" page was pressed.
-- It is observed that either doing a "Reset System Settings" in the
"Protected Setup" page or downloading the full kit to the NVX-300 in
480x272 resolution, the NVX-300 boots up with 800x480 resolution.
-- The text "Bonjour" is missing in the "Device Name" alpha numeric keyboard
in the Title position.
-- The display timeout feature is not available.
-- The "Connect Count" in the "G4 Web Control Settings" page is not reliable.
-- The Protected Setup page "Password" is not case sensitive when it is
entered using Desktop "Keyboard".
-- The Connection Status Symbol shows up in red color when the NXV-300
connects in URL(UDP) or NDP(UDP) while in DHCP mode, even though Netlinx
Studio shows that it is connected to the master.