Anytime Help Center

NI DVX Webpage Fix for Flash


The following steps are to add HTML5 pages to a NI series DVX Switcher:


This process runs a script to copy over the new HTML5 web pages.     

  1. Download the file from this KB entry.
  2. Extract the .zip file into the root directory. In MOST cases this is C:\.
  3. Open up the Windows Command Prompt (start, type: cmd).
  4. At the prompt change the directory location to the extracted file.  For example, if the folder is saved in the root directory this will be cd \dvx_New_Webpages.
  5. At the prompt type the following: ftp -s:ftpscript.txt <NI controller's IP address>.  Example: ftp -s:ftpscript.txt
  6. Once the script has completed running, go to the controller's webpage and click on the link dvx_New_Webpages".

Note: If the administrator login for the DVX is not the default (administrator/password), you will need to change it to the default or edit the ftpscript.txt file with the correct login info.

OPTION 2 (recommended)

This process will use FTP to copy over the HTML web pages.

  1. Download the file from this KB entry.
  2. Extract the .zip file.  A folder named dvx_New_Webpages will be created.
  3. Open another instance of Windows File Explorer (Alternatively you may use an FTP client such as FileZilla).
  4. In the address bar enter: FTP://<NI controller's IP address>.
  5. A login prompt may appear.  (Default login: administrator | password)
  6. File Explorer may pop up a new window behind the first.  Bring this new window to the front to see the current file system on the controller.
  7. Drag or copy/paste the previous extracted folder dvx_New_Webpages to the FTP window
  8. Once all files are copied, go to the controller's webpage and click on the link dvx_New_Webpages

Please note the HTML5 pages take a considerable amount of time to load and sync up, so please be patient.






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Last modified at 2/21/2023 3:14 PM by PRO Knowledge Base