Anytime Help Center

Exterior Projection 500-1000 Creating Custom Color Filters



How do I create custom color filters for the Exterior Image Projection 500 and 1000 models?


Harman do not supply custom color filter options but we do supply the filter holders allowing you to have custom color filters manufactured by 3rd party manufacturers like Apollo or Rosco.

Producing a custom-made color filter

Spare parts needed:

- Exterior Projection 500 color filter holder, P/N 50481975.

- Exterior Projection 1000 color filter holder, P/N 5134901-00.

- Custom-made color filter. You can order the custom-made color filters from Apollo or ROSCO or another quality supplier of dichroic glass.

- Permatex® Ultra Copper® Maximum Temperature RTV Silicone Gasket Maker for gluing.


Color filter holder:

The metallic color filter holder is available as a spare part on the ProPortal:

EP500: 50481975 (see figure 1)

EP1000: 5134901-00 (see figure 2)

Figure 1: EP500 Color Filter Holder 50481975Figure 2: EP1000 Color Filter Holder 5134901-00

Custom-made filter:

To produce a custom-made color filter, use the measurements as in figure 3 (EP500) and figure 4 (EP1000): 

Figure 3: EP500 Measurements, custom-made filter
Figure 4: EP1000 Measurements, custom-made filter

Color Filter Assembly:​ ​

1. Glue together the filter holder and the custom-made color filter.

NOTE! Use Permatex® Ultra Copper® Maximum Temperature RTV Silicone Gasket Maker for gluing.


2. Glue the flag onto the holder where the coated side of the color filter is facing towards the metallic holder.

NOTE! To determine which side of a color filter that is coated, hold an object close to it. On the uncoated side, there is space between the object and its reflection and the edge of the filter can be seen when looking through the glass.

See figure 5.


3. Center the filter and the metallic holder in reference to each other.


Figure 5: Uncoated and coated sides



Figure 6: Centering the filter and holder




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Last modified at 9/8/2022 8:32 AM by PRO Knowledge Base