Anytime Help Center

Error Message Loading Configuration ”Out of Space on Device”



The following error message is displayed when attempting to load a Configuration into a BSS Soundweb London device : "Out of space on device".  How can the Configuration be loaded?


The error message appears because there is not enough spare Flash memory to hold the Configuration.  This may occur for one or both of the following reasons:

The Configuration is too large:

· Parameter Presets are too numerous or contains too many parameters

· Too many dynamic Matrix Routers or Matrix Mixers

· Flash memory has been used by other items

· Files saved to device

The device's memory should be cleared:

Connect to the device with Telnet and execute the command: formatflash  (see article Note that this procedure will not delete the firmware.

· Application Options/ Save To Network/ Save design to network when going online should be set to No for the purposes of this test.

· Go online and attempt to load the Configuration.

If the error message still appears then try the following:
Remove Parameter Presets or remove unnecessary parameters from Parameter Preset Groups.
Matrix Routers and Matrix Mixers should be converted to Fixed. (this applies in HiQNet London Architect only)
Please contact technical support if further assistance is required.







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Last modified at 5/20/2022 11:47 AM by PRO Knowledge Base