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DXLink RX X00 firmware


DXLink RX X00 Series Firmware v1.13.45
This is the DXlink X00 Series firmware upgrade.

Release Notes v1.13.45:


DXLink HDMI Receiver Module Firmware

(Enova DGX 100 Series Compatible)





!!This firmware version requires Enova DGX 100 Series

compatibility on connected Enova DGX systems!!


!!!Please reference the Enova DGX Board and Endpoint

Compatibility Instructions on the product

page for more information!!!


FG#: FG1010-500 (DX-RX, DXLink HDMI Receiver Module)


Release Date: 11/12/2018

Current Released Firmware: v1.13.45





Table of Contents



1. Prerequisites

2. Features added in this release

3. Fixes in this release:

4. Notable Points

5. Programming Information



1. Prerequisites



- Directly connected DX-TX should use v1.8.28 (or later).


- Directly connected SDX must use v1.4.9 (or later).


- Directly connected 4K SDX must use v2.1.34 (or later).


- Enova DGX 800/1600/3200/6400 must have v3.2.19 (or later)


- Legacy Enova DGX 8/16/32/64 must have v2.2.8 (or later)


- DVX Switcher Series FW should be v1.6.76 (or later)


- NX Master FW should be v1.4.90 (or later)


- NetLinx Studio v4.3.1519 (or later)




2. Features added in this release:


- none


Feature added in 1.13.35

- Added new telnet command "dxlinknet".  This can be used

  in point to point setups where each device needs to connect

  to a switch via icslan.


  "dxlinknet on"  - enables ethernet across dxlink (default)

  "dxlinknet off" - disables ethernet across dxlink

  "dxlinknet"     - shows status of dxlink setting




3. Fixes in this release:


- When RX is in bypass, and connected to some hdmi inputs,

  artifacts will show for a while after unplugging video.

  Fixed this.


Changes from 1.13.43

- Fixed issue to allow multiple vendors of SPI Flash.

- Fixed issue for sinks that do not support HDCP

- Fixed orange screen issue when HDCP is disabled on MFTX

- Fixed HDCP recovery edge case with Samsung monitor DM55E


Changes from 1.13.37

- Fixed flicker during muted transition from an HDCP to

  non-HDCP source.


Changes from 1.13.36

- Fixed a flash that occured a few seconds after switching

  from HDCP to non-HDCP sources.




4. Notable Points



- Please read the documentation in regard to the DIP

  switches located on the bottom of the Tx/Rx modules

  before attempting to connect to the network.


- If a send command "FACTORYAV" or telnet "RESET FACTORY"

  is sent, a reboot of the RX will be required.


- The RX uses a solid ORANGE screen to indicate an HDCP

  authentication failure with the connected device


- If using a hostname in the USB_HID_ROUTE command, the

  hostname length is limited to 50 characters




5. Programming Information



- Downgrade Note: Due to a HW ID change, RXs with a factory

  firmware image of v1.13.45 or later will not downgrade

  to a 100 series version earlier than v1.13.45 or a legacy

  version earlier than v1.9.73


- To see what factory image is loaded, open a telnet  

  session to the RX and type: fwimages - The version

  shown in slot 0 is the factory version.


- Due to a previous FPGA change in a legacy 1.9.x version,

  this kit may fail on the first firmware transfer attempt

  if upgrading from version earlier than v1.9.32. If it

  does, reboot the RX and send this kit again. 


- PLEASE reference Appendix A (Upgrading the Firmware) in

  the DXLink Instruction Manual for more information.






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Last modified at 9/29/2020 3:36 PM by PRO Knowledge Base