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DGX x00 with 4K60 DXLink - Switcher & Controller Update


​This article contains two downloads (loca​ted in upper right corner of this page): and an updated 

Main features/fixes include:

  • Enova ​​DGX changes in v3.8.26 (hotfix)

Enova DGX 5002 Changes from 3.8.25 to 3.8.26 

    • ​(MCPU change) ​Added support for new DXLink 4K60 DWP TX 

Changes in previous version from 3.8.23 to 3.8.25 

    • ​Corrected MCPU build issue to prevent a hard fault (lockup) of the MCPU leading to offline 5002​​​ fixed only by a power cycle
    • ​Fixed an edid library function call resulting in edid errors on 2k & 4k30 Input cards

​​Note:  To prevent the edid errors on a 3.6.30 system but not change any I/O firmware, the included MCPU only kit v3.8.5.2 can be loaded without pushing the full kit v3.8.26.  The DGX 5002 version will still report as 3.6.30 but the 5002 MCPU Application will now show as v3.8.5.2 (seen by expanding the 5002 device in the online tree)​

  • ​​NX Controller changes in v1.8.193 (hotfix) 

IMPORTANT:  If needing to downgrade from any version to any 1.6.20x version, you must disable Authentication on Server Ports on the General tab of the Webgui prior to downgrading.  After downgrade, you will need to do a reset factory to properly reset the password paths.  This will also re-enable the security.  Then reload your code.

      ​Fixed bug with URL entry when using port 1320​

  • v 1.8.184 - 1.8.192
    • Added icsp/Telnet upper case support for send_string, send string, send_level, send level, and send_command, send command
    • Fixed icsp tls issue connections with controller to controller and controller to panel
    • HPSD-29164 and HPSD-29209
    • upgrade TLSv1_2 to TLSv1_3

  • v1.8.183 (Release)
    • Added support for new DXLink 4K60 DWP TX in Webgui of DGX and DVX4k
    • Improved boot time to be faster (except for High Security Mode which takes a few

      minutes longer due to security key creation and authentication)
    • Fixed issue with telnet URL list commands causing telnet session to lock up when deleting URL item
    • Fixed static ip gateway persistence issue during upgrade from 1.6.x to 1.8.x firmware
    • Fixed telnet Master to Master issue

    ​See v1.8.183 Readme for earlier version history

​Step 1: ​Switcher Update

Programming note: Due to a memory allocation change in the DGX MCPU, an “Out of Memory Error" will occur when upgrading from versions prior to 3.8.18.  To help prevent this, a separate MCPU only kit has been included in the attached EnovaDGX zip file so it can be sent first prior to the full kit, if needed.  See details below.

REMEMBER:  The front panel of the DGX will show the update status or this can be monitored via the DGX WebGui System/Devices page by clicking the "Switcher Update Status" button. 

  • If upgrading from to v3.8.26 from v3.8.13 or later  :
    1. With all I/O cards in the DGX enclosure and the 5002 online, send the EnovaDGX_3.8.26.kit and allow it to fully update the DGX system (MCPU and all I/O cards) per the normal process. This update should take about 30-40 minutes.
    2. Once the 5002 is back online proceed to the Controller Update and Endpoint Update steps. 
  • If upgrading to v3.8.26 from ANY version PRIOR to v3.8.13 (including 3.6.30):
    1. With all I/O cards in the DGX enclosure and the 5002 online, first send the simple MCPU Only kit (DGXMCPU_FW_simple_v3_8_5_2.kit) and allow it to finish updating the MCPU.  This update should only take about 10 minutes.  
    2. Once that update is complete and the 5002 is back online, send the full EnovaDGX_3.8.26.kit and allow it to fully update all I/O cards.  This final update time will depend on the starting versions of all I/O cards in your system.  (40+ min)
    3. Once the 5002 is back online proceed to the Controller Update and Endpoint Update steps.   

Step 2: Controller Update

  • ​​​​Next load SW2106_NX-X200_Controller_v1_8_183​.kit to device 0, wait for the DGX to reboot and come back online before proceeding to the Endpoint Updates.​​​​

Step 3: 4K60 Endpoint Update 

  • Finally, update the 4K60 DXLink (Twisted Pair/Fiber) Transmitter/Receiver endpoints to the latest firmware version.

  • Note:  Version v1.7.6 has some important offline fixes that will help with consistent endpoint online behavior.

  • 4K60 DXLink Twisted Pair endpoints (compatible only with 4K60  DXLink Twisted Pair I/O cards) require v1.7.6 or later.

These 4K30 RX are reccomended for 2k and 4K30 DXLink Output cards but with v3.8.23 and later, the 4k30 RX will now show up properly on 4K60 DXLink output cards and pass video.  However, it is important that any ICSP commands must be sent only to the 4K30 RX in this case rather than the DGX port as with 4K60 TX/RX) 

  • 4K30 RX endpoint 

Please note that 2k TX/RX are NOTcompatible with the 4K60 I/O cards.  They will not connect properly nor pass video consistently.  They are supported on 2k/4k30 I/O cards within the same cage that also has 4K60 I/O and endpoints. 

Discretion must be used to ensure that any video passed to or through I/O cards and/or endpoints does not exceed the supported maximum video format for that specific product.  



DGX Updates



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Last modified at 10/15/2024 3:47 PM by PRO Knowledge Base