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Signal naming is a tool that populates the name of a signal through a design file.  This is can give you an easy way to visually see where a signal goes even through complex wiring. This can be very useful in complex designs.

Inserting a Signal Name

Each processing block has a place for signal name entry in its properties.  In this case I can name a source from analog input card to Mic 1.

image 001.png 


Once the signal name is entered it will populate through the design file where that source is routed. 

This will also populate on any panels and controllers that use the signal name state variable.

image 002.png


Source selectors and source matrices will pass the signal name to their output when it is selected.

image 003.png

Also, you can display the signal name on the source selector for easier operation. These names will also show up on the BLU10 if you are using that as a controller.

image 004.png

When a signal runs into a mixer, summer or matrix mixer, the name of the output signal will take on the name of the mixer.

image 005.png

Special Characters

There are a few special characters used in signal names.

$ passes the input signal to the output and allows you to append more information to a signal name.

image 006.png 

# inserts the name of the processing object

image 007.png

~ inserts the name of the output

image 008.png 

The three special symbols can also be combined to make the names dynamic.

image 009.png

Signal Naming Override

The naming override state variable can be placed on custom panels and allows you to rename a signal on the fly which can be really useful on renaming a source on a mixer channel strip or in cases where the source may change.

image 010.png 

​The naming override will populate in the design as well.

image 011.png


Network Audio Channel Names

Signal names also populate on network audio channels.

Blu link

BLU link will show the channel name and number on the object and on the list of channels.

image 012.png

image 013.png


When using Dante controller for the routing type Dante Inputs will use the Dante signal names for the name of the Dante Channel on an input. These names are also populated in Dante controller.

image 014.png

When using Audio Architect for the Dante routing the signal name will follow through the Dante channel. (Note: Audio Architect has to be connected to the Dante network for the actual Dante to be routed)



Audio Architect



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Last modified at 12/17/2020 10:03 AM by PRO Knowledge Base