Anytime Help Center

Service Manuals and Schematics for HARMAN Professional Products



How can I find service manuals and schematics for HARMAN Professional Products?


HARMAN Professional's policy on intellectual property limits access to service manuals and certain documents, such as schematics, to only our Authorized Service Centers (USA) and our Distribution Partners (Outside the USA).

These businesses have completed the training requirements for repairing HARMAN Professional products and are also under confidentiality agreements.

End of Life and obsolete materials also fall under this restriction.

If you are an Authorized Service Center (ASC), these materials can be found on the HARMAN Asset site:

If you are not an ASC, please consider sending your unit to an ASC or our HARMAN repair facility.  

If you are located in the US, then You can find a list of ASCs near you by clicking on the following link and choosing your State and Brand :

If you prefer to send your unit to our HARMAN repair facility, please provide make/model, serial #, proof of purchase (if not a dealer), and detailed description of the issue, and Technical Support will submit an RMA to have the unit repaired.

For AKG, Martin, AMX or SVSI, please contact our Factory Technical Support Team for your service options.

If you are not in the US, then the Harman Professional distributor in your country will be responsible for servicing.  Please follow the path below to determine the contact details of your local distributor.  For AMX, BSS, Crown, dbx, Lexicon, JBL, Martin and Soundcraft:
1. From the homepage, click Support and select:  Contact Us
2. From the Support page, click:  Repair
3. From the International Repairs page, select your country in the drop-down box
The contact details for the Harman Professional distributor in your country will be displayed.

For AKG:
1. From the homepage, click:  International Representatives
2. From the International Representatives/Distributors page, select your country.
The contact details for the Harman Professional distributor in your country will be displayed.

Harman Professional brand web sites:​




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Last modified at 10/15/2024 4:02 PM by PRO Knowledge Base