Product Name: NX-1200, NX-2200, NX-3200, NX-4200 Master Controllers
Enova DVX-x2xx
Enova DGX 8/16/32/64
Massio Control Pads MCP-10x
Enova DGX 800/1600/3200/6400
DVXC DVX-2265/3266
FG #: FG2106-01, FG2106-02, FG2106-03, FG2106-04,
FG1906-07, FG1906-09, FG1906-11,
FG1906-12, FG1906-13, FG1906-14, FG1906-15,
FG1906-16, FG1906-17, FG1906-18, FG1906-22,
FG1060-08, FG1060-16, FG1060-32, FG1060-64,
FG2102-06L-B, FG2102-06L-W, FG2102-06P-B,
FG2102-06P-W, FG2102-08-B, FG2102-08-W
FG1061-08, FG1061-16, FG1061-32, FG1061-64
FG1906-0201, FG1906-0202, FG1906-0401, FG1906-0402
Current Firmware Version: 1.6.205
Release Date: 02/19/2022
Device ID: 0x018C, 0x1B5, 0x1B1, 0x01B2, 0x1B8, 0x1E9, 0x0214
**Please Note: To obtain the DVX switcher web page fix, 1.6.193 should be loaded first. Once that has completed, you can load 1.6.205. If you are not concerned about the switcher web pages functioning, you can upgrade directly to 1.6.205.
When upgrading from 1.3.106 or earlier, you must first upgrade to 1.4.90.
Programming Information
Use of these new Authentication keywords requires Netlinx.axi v1.62.
The NetLinx language supports the following new Authentication keywords:
For details on the new keywords, please see the NetLinx Language Reference Guide.
Changes in this release
- updated TLSv1.2 for smtp_send command
- updated TLSv1.2 for TLS_CLIENT_OPEN usage with 3rd party device
- added telnet options to disable/enable uSD card audit logging (default is off)
-- AuditLog on - enables local uSD audit log
-- AuditLog off - disables local uSD audit log
- added telnet command for uptime tracking (returns system uptime)
-- uptime
Known Issues
- The following RMS SDKs are not compatible with 1.5.68 and higher:
RMS SDK 4.0-4.3.26, RMS SDK 4.4.* and RMS SDK 4.5.*
- When changing between the local and remote directories for user authentication,
the master requires a reboot to force all currently logged in users to
re-authenticate with the new service.
- SSH Key algorithm supports only ssh-rsa host key.
- ICSPMon will not work with port authentication on or telnet disabled.
- The USB host ports do not support USB hubs.
- Performing a PING to the NX master's IPv6 address may cause the NX master to reboot.
- Master web page login may get stuck in MS-IE browser on Windows8. Either use a
different browser or in Internet Options->Advanced->Security Settings check
"Enable Enhanced Protection Mode*" (Windows8 restart required).
- Dynamic images and listview features require v.1.4.9 G5 touch panel firmware if NX security is enabled.
- Dynamic images will not work with G4 touch panels with NX security enabled.
- IP_MC_SERVER_OPEN command does not work on the ICSLan port.
- The DVX-x2xx Switcher (5002) requires firmware v1.7.54 or higher if authentication is enabled for AMX devices
on ICSLAN or LAN Ports.
- The DGX Switcher (5002) requires firmware v3.2.10 or higher if authentication is enabled for AMX devices
on ICSLAN or LAN Ports.