N-Series N2x51 Video Encoder /Decoder
Please note that a readme file exists in the module zip file.
Release Notes
FGN2151-SA (NMX-ENC-2151)
FGN2251-SA (NMX-DEC-2251)
FGN2151-CD (NMX-ENC-2151-C)
FGN2251-CD (NMX-DEC-2251-C)
Release Date: 11/09/2017
Current Released Firmware: v1.5.8
Table of Contents
1. Prerequisites
2. Features added in this release
3. Fixes in this release:
4. Notable Points
5. Programming Information
1. Prerequisites
- None
2. Features added in this release:
3. Fixes in this release:
- Corrected audio sampling rates for specific sources
- Various bug fixes
4. Notable Points
5. Programming Information